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Build a Calming Space for Your Home

A calming space provides the right environment that can help us relax and feel better. This includes having a quiet place to rest, and a room that feels safe and secure.

Relaxation room -Bentonville - Bella Vista Contractors

Create an Atmosphere with Color

A calm atmosphere can make a big difference when it comes to feeling relaxed and refreshed. You can use color to set the mood. Bright colors such as red, orange, yellow, and green are energizing, while blue, purple, and black are relaxing.

When choosing paint colors for your home, consider what kind of effect you want to create. Bright colors make us more aroused. Colors with low saturation and high contrast make us calm. Neutral colors will make the calming space relaxing. Does that mean you need to use the same dull grey for every room in your home? No! There are so many variations of neutral colors you can use for a soothing, refreshing look. Choose your favorite colors and tones and make them your own.


Add Plants to Help You Relax

If you’re looking for ways to relax at home, consider adding plants to your calming space. They help reduce stress by providing oxygen and natural light. In addition, they also provide an interesting focal point for conversation.
When you add plants to your living space, you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of nature indoors. Not only does having plants around you help you feel calmer, but they also improve air quality. A study published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology found that people who live in homes with greenery reported feeling less stressed than those who lived in homes without green spaces. The researchers believe that the presence of plants helps us feel connected to our environment.
Calming space in your home - Bella Vista Contractors

Bring Nature Inside

Plants are a great way to bring nature inside. Not only do they add color and life to any room, but they also offer a sense of calmness which is essential for your calming space. You can find plenty of indoor plants at local nurseries and garden centers.
The sound of running water can be very relaxing. It is not uncommon to hear the sound of water in the background of sleep soundtracks. A tabletop fountain is a very simple and cheap way to add this sound to your nightstand.
An indoor water fountain is a nice way to drown out annoying sounds. Indoor water fountains have several benefits. Fountains are the best way to relax because they help you de-stress. Add an indoor water feature to your calming space.
Nature has the power to change your life and improve your work. If you live in a city, you may be able to hear the sounds of nature. However, if you live in the suburbs or country, you may not hear these sounds. For this reason, you should create a calming space where you can enjoy the sounds of nature, including running water.

Decorate with Essential Oils

If you’re looking for an easy way to make your home more relaxing, consider adding essential oils to your decor. They smell amazing, and they can help reduce stress and anxiety.
You can use them in diffusers, room sprays, and even candles. There are many different types of essential oils available, each with its own unique scent. Some people prefer citrus scents, while others love lavender. Whatever type you choose, you’ll want to keep them away from children and pets.
Create a calming space with soft or natural lighting -Bella Vista Contractors

Lighten Up with Soft Lighting

You can use soft lighting to create a calming space atmosphere in any room. It’s also a good idea to keep your lights off when you sleep. This will allow your body to relax and prepare itself for rest. 
The best type of light for creating a calming environment is low-wattage bulbs. These bulbs emit less heat than standard incandescent bulbs, which makes them much easier on your skin. If you’re looking for a softer glow, try using dimmer switches instead of bright lights. Dimmed lights are better at creating a relaxing mood because they won’t cause headaches or eyestrain.
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